Sunday, October 7, 2012

Oct 8-14

Oh boy it's going to be a very busy week!  Things are just getting started in the debate world, so Tim's weekends are going to be active, and Paul is working on getting his lesson planning, certification test taking, grading and all sorts of other school work completed! 

Since this week has so much going on, it's a fairly easy menu week with a couple nights specifically designated to leftovers due to our activities and craziness going on.  Here's what we're having for dinner this week:

Monday - Chicken Tacos w/ Scallion Dressing*
Tuesday - French Onion Soup*
Wednesday - Leftovers Night
Thursday - Shrimp & Cheese Grits w/ Fried Okra*
Friday - Leftovers Night
Saturday - Open (Avila University production of "Mousetrap")
Sunday - Chili

*Recipe included on blog

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